Yuanda Australia Pty Ltd

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Yuanda Australia’s commitment to building industry best practice

Yuanda Australia’s commitment to building industry best practice

by Yuanda Australia | January 23, 2020
Yuanda Australia’s commitment to building industry best practice

Yuanda Australia is committed to remaining at the forefront of building industry best practice in Australia. To achieve this for our clients, we constantly work to ensure our project management procedures are of the highest standard, and that they are optimized to support the delivery of products and services.

With the help of KPMG, we have recently completed a thorough review of these project management procedures, to ensure they are still delivering the best possible outcomes for clients.

Over the course of the six-week session, KPMG worked with staff from across the organisation to look at what we already do well, and brainstorm ideas on how we can better support project management.

We have since introduced simpler, streamlined management procedures, and our project team representatives have been trained in the new system. We have introduced it at our two sites in Melbourne, and are progressively implementing it across our Australian sites.